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The beginning

It all started when a meteor was falling at trembling speeds down to earth. Scientists are not sure how the first life was created, but some believe that it came with the meteor, that is what I like to believe. As the meteor slowly pulverized in the atmosphere, a single cell fell in the water and starting multiplying it started as one, then it became to, then four, and so on.

I am not here to tell you about the history of all animals, just us humans, so let’s skip a couple million years.

Disclaimer: i am not saying that this is the true way humans were created, but only what science is saying


What is a human?

A human is anyone who belongs in the genus homo (Latin for man). The oldest trace of humankind, date back 360 000 years, but the first humans evolved 2 million years ago in Africa, long before our human race: the sapiens. They lived years ago in eastern southern Africa

Parallel Lines

Homo Habilis

One of the earliest humans where called, homo habilis (Handy man). They were 100 cm to 135 cm and weight only 32 kilo (70 pounds), that is like a ten-year-old girl. They were the first humans to ever make stone tools and survived mostly of plants but occasionally ate skin tissue and meat.

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Homo erectus

Homo erectus (upright man). It is no arguing that Homo erectus behaved like a human and look like a human. They lived 2 million years ago and where the first humans to make fire and cook with it. They were also the first to stride form Africa and spread to Eurasia. 145 to 185 cm (6ft 1in) tall and weighs about 40 – 68 kg (88 – 150 pounds). Because of their big heads they needed a lot energy and so they ate meat.

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Homo Sapiens

Homo sapiens (the wise man), they lived 200 000 years ago, they began to move out of Africa 100 000 years ago and spread everywhere like a virus. The best and dominant species of all the humans, none of the other species could compete with the sapiens and died out. They lived in big groups and cared much more about their fellow humans, and were super creative. They started with farming so a lot of people could live at one space. And they easily could grow. And after a couple thousand years we are here.


Homo Habilis

One of the earliest humans where called, homo habilis (Handy man). They were 100 cm to 135 cm and weight only 32 kilo (70 pounds), that is like a ten-year-old girl. They were the first humans to ever make stone tools and survived mostly of plants but occasionally ate skin tissue and meat.

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Homo Sapiens

Homo sapiens (the wise man), they lived 200 000 years ago, they began to move out of Africa 100 000 years ago and spread everywhere like a virus. The best and dominant species of all the humans, none of the other species could compete with the sapiens and died out. They lived in big groups and cared much more about their fellow humans, and were super creative. They started with farming so a lot of people could live at one space. And they easily could grow. And after a couple thousand years we are here.


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Thank you for reading!

Special mention to Hilja Vedvik
who this is for

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